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- From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog,news.answers
- Subject: Prolog Resource Guide [Monthly posting]
- Message-ID: <prolog-resource-guide.txt_721765209@cs.cmu.edu>
- Date: 14 Nov 92 18:20:16 GMT
- Article-I.D.: cs.prolog-resource-guide.txt_721765209
- Expires: Mon, 28 Dec 1992 18:20:09 GMT
- Sender: news@cs.cmu.edu (Usenet News System)
- Reply-To: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
- Lines: 1021
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <prolog-resource-guide.txt_719094771@cs.cmu.edu>
- Nntp-Posting-Host: a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
- Archive-name: prolog/resource-guide
- Last-Modified: Fri Nov 6 15:40:45 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz
- Version: 1.1
- ;;; ****************************************************************
- ;;; Prolog Resource Guide ******************************************
- ;;; ****************************************************************
- ;;; prolog-resource-guide.txt -- 46454 bytes
- Contributions and corrections should be sent to Mark Kantrowitz
- at mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu.
- This guide lists a variety of resources for the Prolog community,
- including books, magazines, ftp archives, and products. It is posted
- once a month to the newsgroup comp.lang.prolog.
- The original version of this guide (Version 0.6, Dec 11, 1991) was
- compiled by Dag Wahlberg, Uppsala University, Sweden <dagwag@csd.uu.se>.
- Other people who helped with the compilation include Chris Moss
- <BEL0172@AppleLink.Apple.COM>, Mats Carlsson, SICS <matsc@sics.se>,
- Michael A. Covington <mcovingt@uga.cc.uga.edu>, Jocelyn Paine
- <popx@vax.ox.ac.uk>, Per G. Bilse, PDC <pdev@pdc.dk>, David Cohen, BIM
- Systems Inc <dc@bim.com>, Mark Korsloot <mark@logic.et.tudelft.nl>, and
- David W. Talmage <talmage@luvthang.aquin.ori-cal.com>.
- Thanks also to Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>.
- Suggestions and comments to: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents:
- [0] Introduction
- [1] Sources of information about Prolog
- [2] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
- [3] Commercial Prolog Implementations
- [4] FTP Archives and Other Resources
- [5] Prolog-related Mailing Lists
- [6] Books and Magazine Articles
- [7] The Prolog 1000 Database
- Search for [#] to get to topic number # quickly. In newsreaders which
- support digests (such as rn), [CTRL]-G will page through the answers.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [0] Introduction
- This guide lists Prolog resources: archives, newsgroups, books,
- magazines, compilers, interpreters and anything else you can think of
- which has to do with the proliferation of Prolog. Also included is a
- list of suppliers of products and a list of publishers. As Prolog has
- a strong historical tradition in Europe, we've tried to ensure that
- the information is relevant to all readers, both European and North American.
- This guide is posted regularly to comp.lang.prolog. It may also be
- obtained by anonymous ftp from CMU:
- To obtain the file from CMU, connect by anonymous ftp to any CMU CS
- machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []), using username
- "anonymous" and password "name@host". The file prolog-resource-guide.txt
- is located in the directory
- /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mkant/Public/AI/
- [Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
- some of the superior directories on the path are protected from
- access by anonymous ftp.] If your site runs the Andrew File System,
- you can just cp the file directly without bothering with FTP.
- Disclaimer:
- We have taken great care in making the information in this document as
- accurate as possible. However we are not responsible for any problems
- which might occur from using information supplied in this guide.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [1] Sources of information about Prolog
- The newsgroups comp.lang.prolog and (to a lesser extent) comp.ai are a
- source of information and discussion about Prolog.
- A "Frequently Asked Questions" posting is posted to comp.lang.prolog
- twice a month by Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>. The Prolog FAQ and this
- Prolog Resource Guide are intended to complement one another.
- The draft ISO standard for Prolog is available by anonymous ftp from
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu in the directory ai.prolog.standard.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [2] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
- The following list of free Prolog implementations excludes those listed
- in the comp.lang.lisp FAQ (i.e., Prolog interpreters written in Lisp).
- Note that commercial prolog implementations are often more robust and
- better supported than public domain and free prolog implementations.
- A.D.A. Public Domain Prolog:
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu:ai.prolog/adapdpro.zip
- A rather slow implementation of Prolog for MS-DOS systems, originally
- a product of Automata Design Associates (now defunct), 1570
- Arran Way, Dresker, PA 19025, 215-335-5400.
- ALF:
- ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional programming language) is a
- language which combines functional and logic programming techniques.
- The foundation of ALF is Horn clause logic with equality which
- consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and
- functions and equations for functional programming. The abstract
- machine is based on the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) with several
- extensions to implement narrowing and rewriting. In the current
- implementation programs of this abstract machine are executed by an
- emulator written in C. It is available by anonymous ftp from
- ftp.germany.eu.net (aka simpson.germany.eu.net) in the directory
- /pub/programming/languages/LogicFunctional as the files alf_*.zoo
- (Documentation, C sources for the emulator, the preprocessor and the
- compiler). For further information, contact Rudolf Opalla
- <opalla@julien.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>.
- BinProlog:
- clement.info.umoncton.ca:BinProlog/binpro.1.39.tar.Z []
- The file papers.tar.Z contains papers related to the implementation.
- BinProlog is free for research and other non-profit purposes. Version
- 1.39 runs on Sparc, Sun3, NeXT, and 386/486. The compiler makes 215
- KLIPS on a Sparc 2 (101 KLIPS on a NeXT) and still uses a very small
- (41K) emulator. Comments and bug reports should be sent to
- binprolog@info.umoncton.ca.
- CLP(R):
- CLP(R) is a constraint logic programming language with real-arithmetic
- constraints. The implementation contains a built-in constraint solver
- which deals with linear arithmetic and contains a mechanism for delaying
- nonlinear constraints until they become linear. Since CLP(R) subsumes
- PROLOG, the system is also usable as a general-purpose logic programming
- language. It icnludes facilities for meta-programming with constraints.
- The system consists of a compiler, byte-code emulator, and constraint
- solver. CLP(R) is written entirely in C and runs on Suns, Vaxen,
- MIPS-based machines (Decstations, Silicon Graphics), IBM RS6000s and
- PS2s. Includes MS-DOS support. It is available free from IBM for
- academic and research purposes only. For more information, write
- to Joxan Jaffar, H1-D48, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
- P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, or send email to
- joxan@watson.ibm.com or joxan@yktvmh.bitnet.
- Common ESP:
- Common ESP is an object-oriented system by the AI Language Research
- Institute. The binary is free for R & D use only -- send 1/4in CMT
- Sun3 and Sun4 (Sparc) with Sun OS R4.0.3, R4.1 or R4.1.1. For more
- information, write to AI Language Research Institute Ltd, Yoshitoku
- Bldg, Shiba 3-15-14, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105, Japan, fax +81 3 3456 4418,
- or send email to k-hata@air.co.jp.
- cu-Prolog:
- cu-Prolog is an experimental constraint logic programming language
- available free from Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer
- Technology (ICOT). Unlike most conventional CLP systems, cu-Prolog
- allows user-defined predicates as constraints and is suitable for
- implementing a natural language processing system based on the
- unification-based grammar. For example, the cu-Prolog developers
- implemented a JPSG (Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar) parser in
- cu-Prolog with the JPSG Working Group (the chairman is Prof. GUNJI,
- Takao of Osaka University) at ICOT. cu-Prolog is a complete
- implementation of Constraint Unification (cu), hence the name.
- cu-Prolog is implemented in C for BSD UNIX 4.2/3. Professor Sirai of
- Chukyo-University has also implemented cu-Prolog for the Apple
- Macintosh and DJ's GPP (80386/486 MS-DOS machine with the DOS
- extender). cu-Prolog is available free by anonymous ftp from
- ftp.icot.or.jp. For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp,
- or write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation
- Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita
- 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-3456-1618.
- ESL Prolog-2 (PD Version):
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu:ai.prolog/eslpdpro.zip
- A prolog for MS-DOS systems with good performance. It deviates
- slightly from Edinburgh standard (strings "like this" are not lists
- of ASCII codes), but you can add a declaration that makes it fully
- Edinburgh-compatible. It is a more limited version of the interpreter
- from the Commercial Version (see [3] below).
- IC Prolog:
- doc.ic.ac.uk:/pub/languages/icprolog/pd-ICP-<VERSION>.tar.Z
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/computing/programming/languages/prolog/icprolog/.
- Runs on Sun3, Sun4. There is MacProlog source in a further subdirectory.
- Produced by Imperial College, IC Prolog includes multi-threading,
- parlog, TCP primitives, communication primitives, and "mailboxes", a
- high level communication system. Includes the preprocessor for the
- prolog language extension L&O from the book "Logic & Objects".
- See also Yannis Cosmadopoulos and Damian Chu, "IC Prolog ][: a
- Language for Implementing Multi-Agent Systems", in Tutorial and
- Workshop on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems, September 23-25,
- 1992, Keele University. A copy of this paper may be found ing
- laotzu.doc.ic.ac.uk [] as /pub/icp-paper.ps.Z, or on
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] in the directory
- /computing/programming/languages/prolog/icprolog/
- Contact Damian Chu <dac@doc.ic.ac.uk> for questions about IC
- Prolog, and contact Zacharias Bobolakis <zb@doc.ic.ac.uk> for
- information about L&O.
- Lolli:
- Lolli is an interpreter for logic programming based on linear logic
- principles. Lolli, named for the linear logic implication operator
- "-o" called lollipop, is a full implementation of the language
- described in the paper "Logic Programming in a Fragment of
- Intuitionistic Linear Logic" (Josh Hodas & Dale Miller, to appear in
- Information and Computation), though it differs a bit in syntax, and
- has several built-in extra-logical predicates and operators. To
- retrieve a copy of the Lolli system, ftp (anonymously) to
- ftp.cis.upenn.edu and retrieve the file pub/Lolli/Lolli-07.tar.Z. This
- distribution includes full ML source, along with a Makefile, as well
- as several background papers and a collection of example programs. For
- those who do not have SML-NJ at their site, the authors hope to
- provide pre-built binaries for a variety of architectures. These
- binaries can be found on ftp.cis.upenn.edu in the directory
- pub/Lolli/binaries. At present Sparc and NeXT binaries are available.
- If you compile lolli on a new architecture, please contact Josh Hodas
- at <hodas@saul.cis.upenn.edu> so that he can make your binary
- available.
- Maxon Prolog:
- Maxon Prolog is available for the Atari ST from the German magazine
- 'ST-Computer' for 298 DM. Tel: 010 49 61 96 481811.
- Open Prolog:
- grattan.cs.tcd.ie:languages/open-prolog []
- Open Prolog 1.0d36 interpreter for the Apple Macintosh.
- The most recent version of Open Prolog will always be available from
- Trinity College in Ireland. Open Prolog is an Edinburgh-style Prolog
- and supports Definite Clause Grammars. Open Prolog is also
- available from other sites, such as
- nexus.yorku.ca:/pub/prolog/ []
- grattan.cs.tcd.ie:languages/open-prolog []
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu []
- mac.archive.umich.edu []
- /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac/development/languages
- but tends to go out of date at these sites.
- For more information, write to Michael Brady, Computer Science
- Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND, send email to
- brady@cs.tcd.ie, call +353 1 7021786, or fax +353 1 772204 (5 hours
- ahead of East Coast US time).
- PD Prolog 19:
- wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/prolog/ (IBM PC)
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu (
- PDSS KL1 is an implementation of FGHC, a concurrent logic programming
- language developed at ICOT in Japan. Runs on Suns, HPs, DECs, and the
- Sequent Symmetry. Available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp.
- A representative paper on the language is Kazunori Ueda and Takashi
- Chikayama, "Design of the Kernel Language for the Parallel Inference
- Machine", The Computer Journal, December, 1990. For more information,
- send email to ifs@icot.or.jp or write to ICOT Free Software Desk,
- Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita
- Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax
- +81-3-3456-1618.
- Portable Prolog System:
- Portable Prolog System is an interpreter from the University of York.
- Runs on any system having a Pascal compiler. For more information,
- write to University of York, Software Distribution Officer, Department
- of Computer Science, University of York, York, YO1 5DD, UK, call +44
- (904) 59861, or fax +44 (904) 433744.
- cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/ROLOG
- Parallel PROLOG compiler with a reduce-OR process model.
- SB-Prolog:
- cs.arizona.edu:/sbprolog
- sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/sbprolog
- Stony Brook Prolog runs on Sun4, Pyramid-98x, DEC3100, SGI Iris,
- Amiga, and MS-DOS machines. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more
- information. Two versions are available: version 2.5 is an
- interpreter for Amigas and version 3.1 is an interpreter and compiler
- for Unix and MSDOS/386.
- SB-Hilog runs in SB-Prolog and Quintus Prolog and is available on
- sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/hilog/
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] contains SBProlog 3.1 executables for
- MS-DOS/386 in languages/sbprolog, filename sbpmsdos.zip.
- nic.funet.fi contains SBProlog executables for Amiga in
- /pub/amiga/fish/disks100-199/ff140.
- Modular SB-Prolog (= SB-Prolog version 3.1 plus modules) is available
- by anonymous FTP from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk (, as the file
- pub/dts/mod-prolog.tar.Z. Includes interpreter for SPARC. For more
- information, write to Brian Paxton <mprolog@dcs.ed.ac.uk>.
- SWI Prolog:
- swi.psy.uva.nl:pub/SWI-Prolog/pl-1.6.5.tar.Z [] (Main source)
- [The patch level (last digit) is regularly updated and diffs between
- patch levels are located in the same directory.]
- rs3.hrz.th-darmstadt.de []
- ftp.th-darmstadt.de:pub/programming/languages/prolog []
- SWI-Prolog includes a fast compiler, a profiler, C interface, a
- module system, libraries, and dynamic loading.
- Runs on Atari ST, Gould PN, NeXT, HP, IBM Linux, DEC MIPS, IBM
- PS/2 AIX, IBM RS/6000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, and Vax.
- Written by Jan Wielemaker, SWI, University of Amsterdam,
- Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
- <jan@swi.psy.uva.nl>. The mailing list is prolog@swi.psy.uva.nl.
- To be added to the list, send mail to prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl.
- Toy Prolog:
- An interpreter written in Pascal. About 3500 lines of source. Free with
- "Prolog for Programmers" by Kluzniak and Szpakowicz (Academic Press
- 1985).
- Tricia:
- Tricia is a free Prolog high-level emulator with interpreter available
- by email from Uppsala University. Runs on Macintosh, Sun3, Sun4, Apollo
- DN-3500/4500/5500 (OS version 10.*) and HP-730's. For more information,
- write to Uppsala University, Tricia project, Computing Science
- Department, Box 520, S-751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden, fax +46 18 521270, or
- email jonas@csd.uu.se. A copy is available in the directory
- /afs/umich.edu/group/itd/archive/mac/development/languages
- if your site runs the Andrew File System, or by anonymous ftp from
- mac.archive.umich.edu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [3] Commercial Prolog Implementations
- The Prolog Vendors' Group may be contacted by email via the Secretary,
- Al Roth, at <alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk>.
- Index:
- Atari/Amiga:
- Macintosh:
- AAIS Prolog
- ALS Prolog
- IF/Prolog
- IQSOFT MProlog
- LPA Prolog
- Prolog III
- Quintus Prolog
- ALS Prolog
- Arity Prolog
- CIM-Prolog
- Coder's Prolog
- Cogent Prolog
- Delphia Prolog
- ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
- IF/Prolog
- IQSOFT MProlog
- LPA Prolog
- OU Prolog
- PDC Prolog
- Prolog III
- Quintec Prolog
- Quintus Prolog
- Unix:
- AIAI Edinburgh Prolog
- ALS Prolog
- BIM Prolog
- CIM-Prolog
- Coder's Prolog
- Delphia Prolog
- EDCAAD C-Prolog
- ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
- IF/Prolog
- IQSOFT MProlog
- MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog
- Prolog III
- Quintec Prolog
- Quintus Prolog
- SICStus Prolog
- SNI Prolog
- Many of the following vendors offer educational discounts to
- universities. Be sure to ask for current pricing information.
- Commercial Prolog Implementations:
- AAIS Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter runs on
- the Apple Macintosh and costs $298. Write to Advanced AI Systems,
- Inc., PO Box 39-0360, Mountain View, CA 94039-0360, call 415-948-8658,
- fax 415-948-2486, or email aais@applelink.apple.com. Reviewed in
- AI Expert, Feburary 1991.
- AIAI Edinburgh Prolog is a high level prolog emulator that runs on
- Acorn R140 (RISC iX), DG AViiON (DG/VX 4.1), Vax (Berkeley Unix, VMS),
- Gould Encore (Unix), HP 9000/300 (HP-UX), MIPS RISC (RiscOS), Sequent
- (DYNIX V3), Sun 2,3,4 (SunOS-3,4). For more information, write to
- AIAI, AI Applications Institute, Software Secretary, University of
- Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, UK, call +44 (31) 650
- 2734, fax +44 (31) 226 2730, or send email to AIAI@ed.ac.uk.
- ALS Prolog runs on 80386 machines, including DOS ($799), Sun 386i, Xenix,
- Apple Macintosh ($499), System V Unix (Microport), Sun3, Sun4, Sparc,
- Aviion, NeXT, VAX and Delta88. It is available from Applied Logic
- Systems, Inc., PO Box 90, University Station, Syracuse, NY 13210-0090,
- phone 315-471-3900, fax 315-471-2606, or email info@als.com or
- support@als.com. Send a message to info@als.com with subject line "HELP"
- to get a general information file in reply.
- Arity Prolog is an emulator with interpreter and runs on DOS ($650),
- OS/2 ($1k), Windows (extra $350), OS/2 V.2, and Windows-NT. For more
- information, write to Arity Corporation, Damonmill Square, 29 Domino
- Drive, Concord, MA 01742, call 800-722-7489 (508-371-1243), or fax
- 508-371-1487.
- Prolog by BIM is a prolog compiler that runs on Sun4, Sparcs and
- RS/6000. It includes Carmen, a user-interface generator for XView
- and SunView and interfaces to various databases and windowing
- packages. For more information, contact BIM Systems, Inc., 11111
- Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90025, call
- 310-445-1500, fax to 310-445-1515, or email to prolog@bim.com.
- Outside North-America write to BIM s.a./n.v., Kwikstraat 4, B-3078
- Everberg, Belgium, call +32 2 759 59 25, fax to +32 2 759 92 09 or
- email to prolog@sunbim.be (Kathleen Pierco). Earlier version reviewed
- in AI Expert, January 1991.
- CIM-Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Apollo Domain
- and Sun. Also standard Prolog for Apollo Domain, IBM PC/AT, INMOS
- transputer, and Sun. A parallel version is also available.
- For more information, write to Creative Soft GmbH, Turnstrasse 10, D-8510
- Fuerth, Germany, call +49 911 7499214, or fax +49 911 747756.
- Coder's Prolog 2.0 is a Prolog Interpreter from Austin Code Works. Works
- on any system with a C compiler (it is designed for use with C programs).
- For more information, write to Austin Code Works, 11100 Leafwood Lane,
- Austin, TX 78750-3587, call 512-258-0785, fax 512-258-1342, or send email
- to info@acw.com.
- Cogent Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter for
- DOS-based PCs. Includes a foreign function interface. It costs $199.
- For more information, write Amziod, 40 Samuel Prescott Drive, Stow, MA
- 01775, call 508-897-5560 or fax 508-897-7332. Amziod also sells the
- Active Prolog Tutor for DOS for $65.
- Delphia Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that
- runs on Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, RS/6000, Apollo, HP9000/300, Unigraph 68xxx,
- 386/486 (SCO Unix), DecStation (Ultrix), Sony NEWS (Unix), VAX (VMS,
- Ultrix), uVax (Ultrix), VaxStation (Ultrix). Write to Delphia, 27 Avenue
- de la Republique, 38170 Seyssinet, France, call 33-76-26-68-94 or fax
- 33-76-26-52-27. Arity Corporation is the US Distributor of Delphia
- Prolog. An earlier version was reviewed in AI Expert, January 1991
- and Feburary 1991.
- ECRC SEPIA is a high-level emulator with interpreter. Binaries are
- available for any number of machines, including Sun3, Sun4 (SunOS 4.0,
- SunView and X11R4), Vax 78*(BSD 4.3), Bull DPX-1000 and 2000 (SPIX),
- Siemens MX-300 and MX-500 (SINIX, X11R3), ICL DRS-80 (UNIX System
- V/386 3.2). For more information, write to ECRC, Arabellastrasse 17,
- D-8000 Munich 81, Germany, or send email to sepia_request@ecrc.de.
- EDCAAD C-Prolog is a prolog interpreter for Sun (SunOS), VAX (Ultrix,
- VMS), Apollo, and 68000 (Unix). For more information, write to EDCAAD,
- Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University, 20 Chambers St.,
- Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, UK, call +44 (31) 650 1000, fax +44 (31) 667 0141,
- or send email to chris@caad.ed.ac.uk.
- ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version), is a high-level emulator with
- interpreter and compiler for Sun3, Sun4, HP9000 (Unix), RS/6000
- (Unix), VAX (VMS), IBM PC (MS-DOS, Windows), and 386. It is an
- Edinburgh standard prolog with a number of extensions. The windows
- version includes BIPs for programming windows graphics and dialogues.
- For more information, write to Expert Systems Limited (ESL), Attn:
- Nick Henfrey, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4
- 4GA, England, call +44-865-794474, or fax +44-856-784475.
- HyperProlog. See Delphia Prolog.
- IBM PROLOG for AIX/6000 (PFA) is a high performance implementation of
- the PROLOG language, combined with a powerful programming environment,
- especially designed for the IBM RISC System/6000 under AIX. PFA was
- developed by BIM as an adaptation of ProLog by BIM for the IBM RISC
- System/6000 under AIX. It was selected by IBM Europe as their
- official PROLOG implementation for the RISC System/6000 (Program
- Number 5776-FAH). For more information: In North-America contact BIM
- systems, 11111 Santa Monica Bld, call 310-445-1500, fax to
- +310-445-1515; in Europe contact your local IBM representative.
- Elsewhere contact BIM, Kwikstraat 4, B-3078 Everberg, Belgium, call
- +32 2 759 59 25, or fax +32 2 759 92 09, or email prolog@sunbim.be.
- IF/Prolog is a Prolog interpreter and compiler with X-window and
- OSF/Motif development environment, bidirectional C interface, on-line
- hypertext manual, and X-window, OSF/Motif interfaces and various SQl
- interfaces. It runs on Apollo, Aviion 300, Macintosh (A/UX), microVAX
- 2000 (Ultrix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS), VaxStation (Ultrix), DEC Alpha
- (OSF/1, VMS), HP9000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, UTS, AIX/370, IBM RS/6000,
- Decstation (Ultrix, OSF/1), Sequent S16, Silicon Graphics, Sony News
- (Unix), Motorola, Nixdorf, Interactive Unix, SCO UNIX, DOS-based 386
- PCs, and Windows 3.0/3.1. For more information, write to American
- InterFace Computer, Inc., One Westlake Plaza, 1705 Capital of Texas
- Highway South, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78746, call 512-327-5344, or fax
- 512-327-5176, or e-mail ifc@cactus.org. European Customers may write
- to InterFace Computer GmbH, Garmischer Strasse 4, D-8000 Muenchen 2,
- Germany, call +49 89 5108655, fax +49 89 5108628, or email
- vp@IFComputer.de. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991.
- IQSOFT MProlog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Unix,
- Macintosh and IBM PC. Runs on Vax (Unix 4.2 BSD), 68000-based machines
- (Unix), Tektronix 4404, HP3000, and Siemens 1. For more information,
- write to IQSOFT, SZKI Intelligent Software Ltd., Iskola u. 10.,
- Budapest, H-1011, Hungary, call +36 1 201 6764, fax +36 1 201 7125, or
- send email to szeredi@iqsoft.hu.
- LPA Prolog is a prolog compiler for IBM PCs (DOS, Windows) and Apple
- Macintosh. LPA Prolog ++ is an object-oriented programming system
- based on Prolog. Write to Logic Programming Associates, Ltd., Studio
- 4 Royal Victoria Patriotic Building, Trinity Road, London SW18 3SX,
- England, call +44 081-871-2016, fax +44 081-874-0449, or email
- lpa@cix.compulink.co.uk or UK0049@applelink.apple.com (Clive Spenser).
- LPA products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the
- Quintus name.
- MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog are prolog interpreters from the University of
- Melbourne. Source licences are available for educational institutions.
- Implemented in C for BSD Unix. Currently running on Sun3, Sun4, Vax,
- Elxsi, Encore, and SGI. For more information, write to University of
- Melbourne, MU-Prolog Distribution, Department of Computer Science,
- Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia, call +61 3 344 7270, or send email to
- jas@cs.mu.oz.au and jws@cs.mu.oz.au.
- OU Prolog is a prolog interpreter from Open University for IBM PC
- (MS-DOS). Includes video, books. Ask for item PD622 and quote
- reference SA69. For more information, write to Open University,
- Learning Materials Sales Office, PO Box 188, Milton Keynes MK7 6DH, UK.
- PDC Prolog runs on IBM PCs (DOS, OS/2, Windows and SCO Unix). Formerly
- known as Turbo Prolog from Borland. Includes a native code compiler
- but is incompatible with most other prologs. Its variables are
- strongly typed, unlike most other prologs. For more information, write
- Prolog Development Center, 568 14th Street, Atlanta, GA 30318, call
- 800-762-2710, (404-873-1366), fax 404-872-5243 or email
- pdc-request@pdc.dk (general information), sales@pdc.dk (sales),
- support@pdc.dk (tech support). A BBS is run at 404-872-5358. European
- customers may write to Prolog Development Center, A/S, Hj Holst Vej
- 5A, DK-2605 Broendby, Denmark, call +45 36 72 10 22, or fax +45 36 72
- 02 69. Reviewed in AI Expert January 1991.
- POPLOG is a high-level prolog emulator with interpreter. The POPLOG
- environment integrates four AI programming languages in one
- environment: Lisp, Prolog, ML and POP11. POPLOG can also load in C and
- Fortran binaries. Runs on VAX (Ultrix, VMS), VAXStation (Ultrix),
- DECStation (Ultrix), Sun 3,4, Sparc, Solbourne, HP Apollo 9000/400,
- Sparc (HP-UX), MIPS (RISCOS), Sequent Symmetry (Dynix), Apple
- Macintosh (AUX), SONY News (News-OS), and Silicon Graphics Iris
- (Irix). The academic version from Sussex University. For more
- information, write to POPLOG, Sussex University, Poplog Manager,
- School of Cognitive Sciences, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK, call +44
- 273 608367, fax +44 273 678188, or send email to
- popmanager@cogs.sussex.ac.uk. The commercial version is available
- from Integral Solutions Ltd as Integral Poplog and Pop++. For more
- information, write to Integral Solutions Ltd, Unit 3, 23 Campbell
- Court, Bramley, Basingstoke Hampshire RG26 5EG, UK, call +44 256 88 20
- 28, fax +44 256 88 21 82, or send email to isl@integ.uucp or
- isl@integ.co.uk. The North American retailer is Computable
- Functions Inc. For more informatin, write to Computable Functions Inc.,
- 35 S. Orchard Drive, Amherst, MA 01002, call 413-545-3140, or fax
- 413-545-3140. Contact Robin Popplestone, pop@cs.umass.edu, for info
- on a new book on Pop-11.
- Prolog III integrates constraint programming with Prolog. It runs on
- Apple Macintosh, IBM PC (386, MS-DOS), Next, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, HP9000,
- Apollo, RS/6000, Bull DPX, Masscomp (Unix), Vax (Ultrix, VMS),
- DecStation and MicroVAX. For more information, write to PrologIA,
- Parc Technologique de Luminy, Case 919, 13288 Marseilles, France,
- call 33-91-26-86-36 or fax 33-91-41-96-37. The US point of contact
- for Prolog III by PrologIA is BIM Systems, Inc..
- Prolog-86 is available from Solution Systems Inc. For more
- information, write to Solution Systems Inc., 335-D Washington Street,
- Norwell, MA 02061, call 617-337-6963, or fax 617-431-8419.
- Quintec Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for IBM PC
- (MS-DOS), Vax, VAXstation (Ultrix, VMS), Decstation (Ultrix), and
- Sparc (SunOS4.0). For more information, write to Quintec Prolog,
- Quintec Systems Ltd., Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford OS2 0PL,
- UK, call +44 865 791565, or fax +44 865 791595.
- Quintus Prolog is a low level emulator that runs on Unix (Sparc, sun2,
- sun3, sun4, 386i, VAX (Ultrix, VMS), uVAX (Ultrix), HP9000, Apollo,
- DecStation, IBM RT, Sequent S/27, S/81, IBM PS/2 (AIX), Intel 80386
- (Unix V.3), Intergraph, Solbourne, RS/6000, and MIPS), IBM PC (DOS,
- Windows), and Macintosh. Includes a cross-referencing facility. For
- more information, contact Quintus Corporation, 2100 Geng Road, Palo
- Alto, CA 94303, call 1-800-542-1283 (415-813-3800), fax 415-494-7608,
- or email sales@quintus.com (sales), teksup@quintus.com (tech support).
- To be added to the users group mailing list, send mail to
- quintus-users-request@quintus.com. Version 3.0 reviewed in AI Expert
- January 1991 and February 1991 and IEEE Expert April 1991. LPA
- products are distributed in North America by Quintus under the Quintus name.
- SICStus Prolog is a Unix prolog by SICS. It is portable to most UNIX
- machines (Berkeley UNIX is preferred over System V). SICS Aurora and
- Echo is a parallel emulator for Sequent Balance, Sequent Symmetry,
- Encore Multimax, and BBN Butterfly (Unix). For more information, write
- to SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, P.O. Box 1263, S-164
- 28 KISTA, Sweden, call +46 8 752 15 02, fax +46 8 751 72 30, or send
- email to sicstus_request@sics.se. Bug reports and tech support questions
- should be sent to sicstus-bug@sics.se. To subscribe to the users group
- and implementors mailing list, send email to sicstus-users-request@sics.se.
- SNI Prolog Version 3 is an implementation of the Prolog language that
- is compatible with the ISO Standard draft. It is available from
- Siemens Nixdorf for Unix workstations for about DM 11100 in Germany.
- SNI Prolog runs on the SGI, SNI and Sun platforms, and ports to other
- systems, including MS-DOS, are in progress. Includes coroutines,
- finite domains, numerical and boolean constraints, garbage collection,
- incremental compilation, dynamic linking, hypertext style on-line
- help, a window environment with an integrated editor, interfaces to
- INFORMIX, Motif/XWindows and C. The constraint programming features of
- SNI Prolog provide support for solving problems from operations
- research such as dynamic resource allocation and flexible scheduling
- with numerical constraints or the verification of complex systems with
- Boolean constraints. For more information, write to Siemens Nixdorf
- Informationssysteme AG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-8000 Munich 83, Germany,
- Attn: Hans-Juergen Stenger, Systems Planning, call +49 89 636 44049,
- fax +49 89 636 41208, or send email to stenger@sd235-hera.zfe.siemens.de.
- SPIES YAP is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Sun3, Sun4,
- VAXstation, SGI, HP9000, Apple Macintosh and Amiga (Atari ST). For
- more information, write to SPIES, Sociedade Portuguesa de, Importacao
- e Exportacao de Software, Lda Av da Republica, 46 - 2, 1000 Lisboa,
- Portugal, call +351 1 795075, or fax +351 1 775891.
- Turbo Prolog. See PDC Prolog.
- Parallel Prologs:
- Densitron CS Prolog is a parallel prolog compiler and interpreter for
- IBM PCs (MS-DOS or OS/2), T414/T800 transputer (mono or multi), 386
- (Unix V), uVAX (VMS), or VAX(VMS). Also standard Prolog for MS-DOS,
- UNIX and VAX. For more information, write to Densitron, Unit 4,
- Aiport Trading Estate, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3BW, UK, call +44 959
- 76331, or fax +44 959 71017.
- Paralogic is a parallel implementation of the Clocksin and Mellish
- Prolog. It runs on DOS-based PCs or Apple Macintoshes with the INMOS
- Transputers. For more information, write to Paralogic Inc., 115
- Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, call 215-861-6960, fax
- 215-861-8247 or email plogic@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.edu. It is also
- distributed by Computer Systems Architects, 905 N. University Avenue,
- Provo, UT 84604-3422, 800-753-4272 (801-374-2300), fax 801-374-2306.
- British customers may contact Parallel Logic Programming Ltd., PO Box
- 49, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 5PH, UK or call +44 454 201 652.
- PARLOG is a parallel emulator from Imperial College for the Sequent
- Balance, Sequent Symmetry, Encore Multimax, Alliant FX (Unix), Sun
- (Unix, 1 processor). For more information, write to Imperial College,
- Department of Computing, Parlog Distribution Secretary, 180 Queen's
- Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK, call +44 71 589 5111 x7537, fax +44 71 589
- 8024, or send email to parlog@doc.ic.ac.uk. Imperial College also
- used to produce IC Prolog.
- Strand-88 is a parallel emulator for Sun3, Sun4, Sparc BBN Butterfly,
- GPT2000, Cogent Multimax, Intel iPSC/2, iPSC/860, MIPS RiscStation,
- Sequent Symmetry Balance (Unix System V or Mach, Helios) and
- communication component from CSTools, Express in some cases. Also
- Transputer systems PC hosted systems from Paracom, Telmat and others,
- Unix hosted systems from Meiko, Paracom, Telmat and others, Apple
- Macintosh, Atari ATW, and NeXT. Price dependent on configuration and
- scale of target machine. For more information, write to Strand
- Software Technologies Ltd., Ver House, London Rd, Markyate, Herts AL3
- 8JP, UK, call +44 582 842424, fax +44 582 840282, or send email to
- strand88@sstl.uucp.
- SICS Aurora and Echo. See SICStus Prolog above.
- Object Oriented Systems:
- LAP is an object-oriented system by Elsa. For more information, write
- to Elsa Software, La Grange Dame Rose, 6 ave du Marechal Juin, 92366
- Meudon-La-Foret Cedex, France, call +33 (1) 46 30 24 55, fax +33 (1)
- 46 30 55 26, or send email to elsa!lap@uunet.uu.net.
- SPIRAL is an object oriented system by CRIL for Sun3 and Sun4 under
- Unix. For more information, write to CRIL, Conception et Realisation,
- Industriel de Logiciel, 146 bd de Valmy 92707, Colombes Cedex, France,
- call +33 1 47 69 53 67, or fax +33 1 47 69 53 99.
- Constraint Systems:
- CLP(R) is a constraint system from Monash University for VAX, Sun, and
- Pyramid (Unix). Costs $150. For more information, write to Monash
- University, CLP(R) Distribution, Department of Computer Science,
- Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia, or send email to
- clp@moncsbruce.oz.au.
- Trilogy is a constraint system developed by Complete Logic Systems. It
- costs $100. For more information, write to Complete Logic Systems, Inc,
- 741 Blueridge Avenue, V7R 2J5, North Vancouver BC, Canada, or call
- 604-986-3234.
- VS Trilogy is a Prolog compiler available from Vertical Software for
- $395. For more information, write to Vertical Software Ltd., 14-636
- Clyde Ave, W. Vancouver, BC, V7T 1E1, Canada, call 604-925-0321, or fax
- 604-688-8479.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [4] FTP Archives and Other Resources
- The following are achives that contain Prolog-related material, such as
- code, interpreters, articles, etc. Most of the archives are ftp sites.
- They are listed by domain.name and [IP Address]. To access them and
- download programs type at the prompt:
- ftp <site name> (or IP address)
- login: "anonymous",
- password: your own return email address,
- cd <directory>, ls to see files,
- set binary,
- get <filename> to transfer file to your system
- stop with quit or exit
- Deviations from this general scheme may occur but the above should
- work in most cases.
- Artificial Intelligence Programs:
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu []
- Contains public domain Prologs, such as Open Prolog and ESL PD Prolog,
- all programs from the book by Covington, Nute, and Vellino, (see
- the section on Books below) and some technical reports with
- accompanying code. Maintained by Michael Covington, the University
- of Georgia, mcovingt@aisun1.ai.uga.edu.
- ALP-UK Library:
- The best Prolog library currently is the one collected by the ALP-UK
- group. It is available to members at 30 pounds sterling for a Sun
- cartridge or 2 pounds/IBM DOS disk. (non-members maybe, how much?) It
- contains MBs of Prolog systems (including SB Prolog), libraries
- (including the Edinburgh library), benchmarks, grammars, theorem provers,
- object and graphics systems etc. For more information, write to ALP-UK
- Library, Sanjay Raina, Librarian, Dept. of Computer Science, University
- of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK, call +44 0272 303030
- x3304, or send email to raina@compsci.bristol.ac.uk.
- Logic Programming Bibliographies:
- duck.dfki.uni-sb.de []
- The BiBTeX bibliographies are available in /pub/lp-proceedings.
- Prolog Repository:
- Established by Jocelyn Paine of Experimental Psychology, Oxford
- University in 1987. The current catalogue (January 1991) contains
- 30 entries. For catalogue, queries and contributions contact POPX at:
- popx%vax.ox.ac.uk@oxmail.ox.ac.uk (internet) or
- popx@uk.ac.ox.vax (janet)
- FTP access is available through the Imperial College archive at
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk (
- in the directory
- computing/programming/languages/prolog/pd-software
- with a short-cut link of:
- packages/prolog-pd-software
- To access it, cd to either of the above directories via
- anonymous ftp. The file README gives a brief summary of the
- contents of the directory and CATALOGUE gives a (long!)
- description of each entry. Entries include the Logic Programming
- Tutor from Paine's book, the DEC-10 public-domain library, the
- Linger natural-language corrector, a simple object-oriented
- add-on for Prolog, graph utilities, among other things.
- Files in the archive are also available on MS-DOS floppies for a
- nominal fee to cover the cost of floppies, postage, and packing.
- Machine Learning Algorithms Implemented in Prolog:
- In 1988 the Special Interest Group on Machine Learning of the German
- Society for Computer Science (GI e.V) decided to establish a library
- of PROLOG implementations of Machine Learning algorithms. The library
- includes PROLOG implementations of Winston's arch, Becker's AQ-PROLOG,
- Fisher's COBWEB, Brazdil's generation of discriminations from derivation
- trees, Quinlan's ID3, inverse resolution, and Mitchell's version
- spaces algorithm. The programs are available via the anonymous
- ftp-server at the University of Osnabrueck:
- dione.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de:pub/unix/mlp (
- Send additional PROLOG implementations of Machine Learning Algorithms
- to Thomas Hoppe, <hoppet@cs.tu-berlin.de>. Send suggestions and
- complaints about the ftp library to Werner Emde, University of
- Osnabrueck, <emde@gmdzi.gmd.de>.
- Prolog to SQL Compiler:
- The Prolog to SQL Compiler translates database access requests,
- which consist of a projection term and a database goal, to the
- appropriate SQL query. The compiler is written in standard Edinburgh
- Prolog and has been ported to a number of Prologs. The code posted to
- comp.lang.prolog works in ECRC's SEPIA Prolog, but should be easily
- ported to other Prologs. A detailed tech report on the implementation
- is available by email from draxler@sun1.cis.uni-muenchen.de (include
- your full postal address). The compiler is copyright, but may be used
- free of charge for non-commercial purposes and redistributed provided
- the copyright notice is retained intact.
- PSI:
- PSI is a handy system for the management and retrieval of your
- personal data, be it addresses, CD collections, or bibliographic
- references. It is intended for the non-commercial user. It may not be
- as full-fledged as some data-base systems, but has some features that
- you won't find in most commercial systems. Also, you may find it
- easier to set up and faster to use. PSI is useful for a broad range of
- data. Indexing with descriptors makes searching for the data you need
- fast, and the interface to other data-base formats (import and export)
- is quite powerful. PSI was written in LPA MacProlog and is a "genuine
- 'double clickable' Mac application". PSI runs on all Macs with System
- 6 or 7 in 1MB of main memory. As LPA MacProlog isn't yet 32-bit clean,
- PSI isn't either. Extensive documentation and some examples are
- included. PSI is available by anonymous ftp from
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu, directory info-mac/app, file psi-23.hqx. It
- was also available on a recent Nautilus CD-ROM and will be on the
- first Info-Mac CD-ROM.
- export.lcs.mit.edu:/contrib/xwip.tar.Z
- ftp.uu.net:X/contrib/xwip.tar.Z
- XWIP is an X Windows interface for PROLOG.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [5] Mailing Lists
- Prolog and Logic Programming:
- prolog@sushi.stanford.edu (general)
- prolog-hackers@sushi.stanford.edu (nitty gritty)
- All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
- questions, etc., should be sent to prolog-request@sushi.stanford.edu
- Concurrent Logic Programming:
- clp.x@xerox.com
- All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
- questions, etc., should be sent to clp-request.x@xerox.com or to
- Jacob Levy <jlevy.pa@xerox.com>.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [6] Books and Magazine Articles
- A BiBTeX bibliography of Logic Programming Conferences is available by
- anonymous ftp from duck.dfki.uni-sb.de. See [4] above.
- The following books are regarded as popular and widely used. Also
- included are some books about WAM. This is not intended to be a complete
- Prolog bibliography.
- Hassan Ait-Kaci. Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction.
- MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 1991.
- ISBN: 0-262-51058-8 (paper), 0-262-01123-9 (cloth).
- Bratko, Ivan, "Programming in Prolog for Artificial Intelligence",
- 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, 1990
- Campbell, J.A. (ed): "Implementations of Prolog", John Wiley, 1984
- Clocksin, W.F. and Mellish, C.S: "Programming in Prolog", 3rd Ed.
- Springer Verlag, 1987. (Basic Introduction).
- Conlon, Tom: "Programming in Parlog". Addison-Wesley, 1989,
- ISBN 0-201-17450-2.
- Covington, M.A.; Nute, D.; and Vellino, A. "Prolog Programming in Depth",
- Scott, Foresman & Co. ISBN: 0-521-40984-5
- Yves Deville: "Logic Programming, Systematic Program Development",
- International Series in Logic Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1990, 338 pages.
- ISBN 0-201-17576-2.
- Gregory, Steve: "Parallel Logic Programming in Parlog: The Language
- and Its Implementation", Addison-Wesley, 1987, ISBN 0-201-19241-1.
- Hogger, C.J.: "Introduction to Logic Programming", Academic Press 1984
- O'Keefe, Richard A.: "The Craft of PROLOG", MIT Press, 1990,
- ISBN 0-262-15039-5.
- Kluzniak and Szpakowicz: "Prolog for Programmers", Academic Press 1985
- Kowalski, R.A.: "Logic for Problem Solving", New York 1979, Elsevier Publ.
- LLoyd, John: "Foundations of Logic Programming", 2nd Edition,
- Springer-Verlag, 1988. (Intro to logic programming theory.)
- D. Maier, D.S. Warren: "Computing with Logic", Benjamin Cummings, 1989
- Peter Ross, "Advanced Prolog: Techniques and Examples",
- Addison-Wesley, 1989, ISBN 0-201-17527-4.
- Sterling, Leon (ed): "The Practice of Prolog", MIT Press, 1990
- ISBN 0-262-19301-9
- Sterling, Leon, Shapiro, Ehud: "The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming
- Techniques", MIT Press, 1986 ISBN 0-262-19250-0
- David H. D. Warren: "An Abstract Prolog Instruction Set", Technical Note
- No 309, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 1983.
- David H. D. Warren, "Logic Programming and Compiler Writing," in
- Software-Practice and Experience 10(2), 1980.
- Tick, E.: "Parallel Logic Programming". MIT Press, 1991
- Magazine Articles:
- BYTE Magazine, August 1987. 5 introductory articles on Prolog.
- Uwe Schreiweis: Beredte Logik, Konzepte der 'KI-Sprache" Prolog,
- (Eloquent Logic, Concepts of the AI language Prolog), iX Magazine,
- October 1992, pages 84-90.
- Uwe Schreiweis: Basis der Fuenf, Die Sprache Prolog in der Public
- Domain, (Base of the Five, Prolog in the Public Domain), iX Magazine,
- October 1992, pages 92-94.
- Uwe Schreiweis: Fuenfte Generation, Kommerzielle Prolog-Systeme,
- (Fifth Generation, Commercial Prolog Systems), iX Magazine, October
- 1992, pages 96-102.
- Klaus Bothe: Weniger Raum, Speicherplatzbezogener Prolog-Benchmark,
- (Less Space, A Space Oriented Prolog Benchmark), iX Magazine, October
- 1992, pages 106-7.
- Magazines Related to Prolog:
- AI Communications (4 issues/yr)
- "The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence" ISSN 0921-7126,
- European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence.
- AI Expert (issued monthly) ISSN 0888-3785, Miller Freeman Publishers
- See a copy of the magazine for list of BBS's in NA. On CompuServe: GO
- AIEXPERT. Regularly reviews Prolog interpreters and compilers.
- Expert Systems (issued Feb, May, Aug and Nov) ISSN 0266-4720,
- Learned Information (Europe) Ltd. Subscription: GBP 85 or USD 110
- IEEE Expert (issued bimonthly) ISSN 0885-9000, IEEE Computer Society
- The Journal of Logic Programming (issued bimonthly), (North-Holland),
- Elsevier Publishing Company, ISSN 0743-1066
- New Generation Computing, Springer-Verlag. (LOTS of Prolog in it.)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [7] The Prolog 1000 Database
- The Prolog 1000 is a database of real Prolog applications being
- assembled in conjunction with the Association for Logic Programming
- (ALP) and PVG. The aim is to demonstrate how Prolog is being used in
- the real world and it already contains over 400 programs with well
- over 2 million lines of code. The database will be published in due
- course and available for research use. If you have or know about a
- program that might qualify for inclusion, send an email message to Al
- Roth (alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk) for an electronic entry form which
- only takes a few minutes to complete. Or write to Prolog 1000, PO Box
- 137, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 0XY, U.K., Fax: +44 253 53811
- Telephone: +44 253 58081. (Floppy disks for PC or Mac in text form are
- also welcome, and paper entries may also be sent). Queries may also
- be addressed to: Chris Moss (cdsm@doc.ic.ac.uk), Leon Sterling
- (leon@alpha.ces.cwru.edu).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; *** Change Log:
- ;;; 13-SEP-92 mk 1.0 Updated and revised Dec 1991 version (0.6).
- ;;;
- ;;; 15-OCT-92 mk 1.1 Updated IF/Prolog entry.
- ;;; 5-NOV-92 mk Info about PSI, Prolog 1000.
- ;;; 6-NOV-92 mk Updated Prolog by BIM and IBM Prolog entries.
- ;;; *EOF*